[Pythonmac-SIG] Python Help Link in IDLE
Bob Ippolito
bob at redivi.com
Tue Mar 15 08:00:53 CET 2005
On Mar 15, 2005, at 1:38, Lee Cullens wrote:
> First, this question has most likely been asked before, but I can't
> get the hang of easily searching the archives so any pointers in that
> regard would be appreciated also (and limit my dumb questions :~).
> I'm new to Mac and the Python community, but I'm retired from a
> software engineering career. Dual 2.5 Power Mac G5 (OS X 10.3.8)
> Python 2.3
> My limited experience so far with IDLE is positive, but Selecting
> Help>Python Docs (or F1) does nothing for me (nothing appears). I
> found what I think is the appropriate file on my system
> (/Library/Tci/docs/SWIG/Manual/Python.html) and using
> Options>Configure IDLE>General tab I added an additional help source
> browsing for the file noted. I also tried variations such as
> file:///Library....... but all to no avail. I can access the Python
> docs from PythonIDE and I can access IDLE Help in IDLE, but not Python
> Docs in IDLE.
> Might someone tell me how I should access Python Hepl docs from IDLE?
When I booted up IDLE and went to Python Docs, it took me to the web
docs: http://www.python.org/doc/current/
Generally, if I'm looking something up, I do it from the google box in
Safari. Like this:
webbrowser site:docs.python.org
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