[Pythonmac-SIG] XML handler design
Eric Nieuwland
eric.nieuwland at xs4all.nl
Thu Mar 24 15:20:11 CET 2005
<Henning.Ramm at mediapro-gmbh.de> wrote:
>>> def startElement(self, name, attrs):
>>> self._queue.append(name) # keep the order of processed tags
>>> handler = str('_start_'+name)
>>> if hasattr(self, handler):
>>> self.__class__.__dict__[handler](self, attrs)
> Is there a better syntax for self.__class__.__dict__[handler]?
> And where should the "output" go to?
> All examples use print statements in the element handlers.
> I wrote those get... methods - but I guess they don't belong in the
> XML handler, but perhaps in the parser or somewhere else.
> It works, but I don't think it's good design.
>>> def getPages(self):
>>> return self.pages.getSortedArray()
>>> def getPage(self, no):
>>> return self.pages[no]
>>> parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
>>> parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, 0)
>>> pxh = MyHandler()
>>> parser.setContentHandler(pxh)
>>> parser.parse(dateiname)
>>> for p in pxh.getPages(): ...
My style is to create/build a data structure in the parser and have a
single get... method that will give me the result.
Your getPage/getPages would be part of the objects in the data
class MyDoc(...):
def getPage(self):
def getPages(self,no):
class MyXmlParser(...):
def reset(self):
self._myresult = MyDoc(...)
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
... add to self._result ...
def getResult(self):
# usually something more advanced than this
return self._result
> I should ask the last question on the twisted ML, I guess:
>>> Further, if I'd like to use it in a twisted driven asynchronous app,
>>> would I let the parser run in a thread? (Or how can I make
>>> the parser non-blocking?)
Sorry, dunnoh!
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