[Pythonmac-SIG] Please critique my first appscript - a fix for Palm sync of iCal Tasks (for kGTD)
Marcin Komorowski
marcink at ieee.org
Tue Aug 29 06:49:44 CEST 2006
I am in the process of learning Python and appscript, and I wrote my
first script using these two technologies.
Please kindly critique my code - what could I have done better? What
would have made this code more Pythonic? Any suggestions and
comments are greatly appreciated.
Thank You in advance,
#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/pythonw
from appscript import *
import sys
import cPickle
import pprint
import datetime
def myDebug( txt ):
if txt == None:
sys.stderr.write( txt )
def getTaskList():
appCal = app( 'iCal' )
cal_todos = appCal.calendars.filter(its.name !=
tasks = [ todo for cals in cal_todos for todo in cals]
# Iterate flattened list, builing a local dictionary of
dictionaries, by uid
tasks_data = {}
for task in tasks:
if task[ k.class__ ] == k.todo:
uid = task[ k.uid ]
tasks_data[uid] = task;
return tasks_data
def exportTaskListToFile( t_data, filename ):
cPickle.dump( t_data, open( filename, 'w' ) )
def importTaskListFromFile( filename ):
return cPickle.load( open( filename, 'r' ) )
k_decode = {
k.priority : "k.priority",
k.due_date : "k.due_date",
k.completion_date : "k.completion_date",
k.description : "k.description",
k.url : "k.url",
k.uid : "k.uid",
k.summary : "k.summary",
k.class__ : "k.class__"
def diffTaskLists( task_list1, task_list2 ):
diff_list = []
for uid in [ id for id in task_list1.keys() if
task_list2.has_key( id ) ]:
t1 = task_list1[uid]
t2 = task_list2[uid]
found_difference = False
for field in [ k.priority, k.due_date, k.completion_date,
k.description, k.url, k.summary ]:
if t1[field] != t2[field]:
if found_difference == False:
myDebug( " task ID %s:\n" % str( uid ) )
myDebug( " field %s: " % k_decode[field] );
myDebug( "t1 = '%s' t2 = '%s'" % ( t1[field], t2
[field] ) )
myDebug( "\n" )
found_difference = True
if found_difference and t1[k.stamp_date] == t2[k.stamp_date]:
diff_list.append( uid )
return diff_list
def updateTimeStamp( task_uid_list, timestamp ):
myDebug( "Setting new timestamp for task UIDs %s\n" % repr
( task_uid_list ) )
for task_uid in task_uid_list:
task_list = [ t for t in app('iCal').calendars.todos.filter
( its.uid == task_uid ).get() if t != k.MissingValue ]
if len( task_list ) > 1:
sys.stderr.write( "ERROR: found two tasks with UID %s,
updating timestamp for both" % task_uid )
for t in task_list:
t.stamp_date.set( timestamp )
def usage():
print "USAGE: " + sys.argv[0] + " save|check"
def main(mode):
if mode != 'save' and mode != 'check':
myDebug( "Getting list of tasks from iCal...\n" )
tasks = getTaskList()
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
myDebug( "%d tasks\n" % len( tasks ) )
if mode == 'save':
myDebug( "Saving current iCal tasks...\n" )
exportTaskListToFile( tasks, 'presync_task_save.tmp' )
sys.stdout.write( "%d tasks saved.\n" % len( tasks ) )
myDebug( "Getting saved iCal tasks...\n" )
ref_tasks = importTaskListFromFile( 'presync_task_save.tmp' )
myDebug( "Comparing iCal tasks...\n" );
diff_list = diffTaskLists( ref_tasks, tasks )
pp.pprint( diff_list )
myDebug( "Updating timestamps...\n" );
new_timestamp = datetime.datetime.today()
updateTimeStamp( diff_list, new_timestamp )
myDebug( "Done.\n" )
sys.stdout.write( "%d timestamps updated.\n" % len
( diff_list ) )
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len( sys.argv ) < 2:
main( sys.argv[1] )
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