[Pythonmac-SIG] IDLE and MacPython 2.5

Jacob Rus jrus at hcs.harvard.edu
Thu Nov 2 04:19:49 CET 2006

Bob Ippolito wrote:
> Well, as a point of reference.. I bought TextMate because it's nice to
> use for demos and such.. but I still use Vim for writing Python code
> and Emacs for writing Erlang code.
> I never could get hooked on TextMate, despite trying. It just isn't as
> convenient to use as what I'm used to... for example, I do quite a lot
> of regexing, and that takes a lot more effort from TextMate.

What is less convenient?  What regexing takes more effort?  Do you mean 
find/replace in your code type regexing here?  I'm sure Allan would be 
glad to hear any specific criticisms, and it would probably be possible 
to build

Are there any features that could be added to make it more convenient?

I think part of the reason that Python developers don't appreciate 
TextMate as much as other coders is that we don't really have all the 
ugly syntax that other languages benefit so much from getting an editor 
to fill automatically.  But I still think building some snippets with 
Python idioms could aid python coders considerably.  For instance, a 
"property" snippet was recently added.[1]


[1]: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/205183

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