[Pythonmac-SIG] IDLE and MacPython 2.5

Rodney Somerstein rodneys at io.com
Thu Oct 26 11:28:32 CEST 2006

Thanks Chris and David for the suggestions. I'm already aware of 
other editors. But, as I mentioned, I'm currently learning Python and 
an environment that actually lets me execute python code without 
having to first create and save a file is superior for that purpose, 
in my opinion.

I already own BBEdit and have for many years. So, when I start 
actually writing real code, I will likely use that.

>For what it' worth, perhaps to save you some time, I recently spent 
>a  day evaluating
>these tools. Horses for courses, but for me:
>TextWrangler is a freebie BBEditLite - a very nice word-processor 
>which is keyword aware;
>SPE is a full-blown development environment which includes wxglade 
>interface to wxwindows
>I found it difficult to 'grock' quickly but it could be good
>ScrIDE is 1/2 way between.
>On 26/10/2006, at 2:13 AM, Christopher Barker wrote:
>>While we're at it, if all you want is a Python-aware editor -- then
>>there area a lot of other (better?) options. Scan the archives of this
>>list for suggestions. A few:
>>BBEdit (TextWrangler?)
>>Assorted *nix editors: emaca, VIm, etc, etc.
>>or look here:


Rodney Somerstein            Always remember that you are unique...
rodneys at io.com               just like everyone else.

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