[Pythonmac-SIG] getting beta 2 out the door on Apple systems

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Wed Jul 16 22:01:33 CEST 2008

I've attached patches to both issue 3226 and issue 3381, both of which  
are related to building Python 2.6 on Tiger.

I cannot test on Tiger though, could someone please test and review  
these patches?


On 16 Jul, 2008, at 18:10, Bill Janssen wrote:

> I'd urge everyone interested in newer versions of Python on Apple
> hardware to read and help with Barry's message, which I reproduce
> liberally below.
> A total of about 6 "deferred blockers".
> Specifically, there's an OS X issue:
>  http://bugs.python.org/issue3226
>  ``Mac/Makefile.in uses the arch command which doesn't have the
>  ability to run a given architecture in 10.4 like it does in
>  10.5. Hence, the install fails.''
> Bill
>> On Jul 15, 2008, at 8:32 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>>> If there is anything you need a decision on, please follow up to
>>> this thread.  I'm inundated with email so I can't watch every thread
>>> on the mailing lists.  Or ping me on #python-dev.
>> I'm not currently optimistic that we can release today.
>> As I see it we have several problems serious enough to delay a
>> release.  First, we have no green 2.6 or 3.0 buildbots
>> http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/stable/
>> It looks like few of the buildbots for 2.6 are actually online, but
>> still, the 3.0 buildbots are all failing.
>> We still have, and have had for a long time now, serious problems  
>> with
>> the multiprocessing module:
>> http://bugs.python.org/issue?@columns=title,id,activity,versions,status&@sort=activity&@filter=priority,status&@pagesize=50&@startwith=0&priority=1&status=1&@dispname=Showstoppers
>> I noticed today that _multiprocessing.so has build problems on OS X
>> 10.5 and Ubuntu 8.04.  I opened a separate issue about that so as not
>> to get lost in the other bug about test_multiprocessing hanging.  As
>> evidenced by the thread for issue 3088, lots of people have put a lot
>> of work into this module, but unfortunately we're still not there.
>> These seem serious enough to me to hold up the release, especially
>> since we have only one more beta left.
>> Speaking of which, we have a number of deferred blockers:
>> http://bugs.python.org/issue?@columns=title,id,activity,status&@sort=activity&@group=priority&@filter=priority,status&@pagesize=50&@startwith=0&priority=6&status=1&@dispname=Deferred%20Blockers
>> These will not block beta 2, but they /will/ block beta 3, so they
>> really need some attention.
>> Please everyone, if you have only a little bit of time to work on
>> Python, I hope you will attack the release critical and deferred
>> blocker issues, and work on turning the buildbots green.  These are
>> the top priorities in order to get 2.6 and 3.0 out on time.  And just
>> as added incentive, our October 1st goal is being noted by downstream
>> vendors.  I've been told that "Apple is willing to take the new  
>> Python
>> if it is GM on schedule by Oct 1st, but may not if it is delayed"
>> though you should not infer anything about Apple's schedule from  
>> this.
>> Still, we won't sacrifice quality in order to hit the October 1st
>> goal.  After beta 2, I start getting mean. :)
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