[Pythonmac-SIG] Hello World Cross Platform Problems

Christopher Barker Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Fri Oct 3 20:24:00 CEST 2008

Ken Mankoff wrote:
> I'm trying to get a Hello World application in wxWidgets as a 
> stand-alone app running on multiple machines via py2app.

Just so you know -- you are staying into a lot of new territory here. I 
don't think either of py2app or wxPython have been tested with Python2.6

Do you really need 2.6? This is going to be a whole lot easier if you 
just stuck with python,.org's 2.5.2 build.

That being said, thanks for being a pioneer!

 > The second
> machine is OS X 10.4 PPC with the system python of 2.3. Python 2.5.2 is 
> installed via fink but I don't think that the double-clickable app 
> access that version.

neither of these should matter, that is the idea of py2app.

> I built wxWidgets with "--enable-universal_binary" and 
> "--with-macosx-version-min=10.4". I built wxPython with "python2.6 
> setup.py build_ext BUILD_GLCANVAS=0 --inplace --debug"

I"m not sure you want the --inplace here, but I"m no expert, and I don't 
think that's you problem anyway!

> I've tried skipping py2applet and 
> running "python setup.py py2app" and I get the same results.

if that's not a typo, then that may be your problem. make sure you are 
running py2app with python2.6:

python2.6 setup.py py2app

>> hello.app mankoff$ ./Contents/MacOS/python
> dyld: Library not loaded: 
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Python

That's Apple's system python that comes with 10.5 I suspect that you ran 
py2app with that python, in which case this is exactly what you'd expect.

By the way, just to keep things clean, I'd try to py2app a little app 
that doesn't use wx first.

> P.S. The wxPython docs state that Fink users will require X11. Build 
> your own if you want Aqua widgets. After having issues (above) with 
> roll-your-own I decided to try fink (fink install py2app-py24),

I'd stay away from fink anyway -- does it support Universal builds at 
all? Also, on eof the key points of wx is that if produces native GUIs 
-- why'd you want to give your Mac users an X11 GUI with it?


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R            (206) 526-6959   voice
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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov

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