[Pythonmac-SIG] Apple event time out with appscript

Geoff Dutton geoff.dutton at noaa.gov
Mon Dec 21 23:52:25 CET 2009


I am using appscript to automate data processing through "Igor Pro".
However, I keep running into an Apple event time out problem when running a
process in Igor.  I realize the timeout duration on some programs can be
set, but I can't seem to set it through Igor's Do_Script command.  I have
pasted my code here: http://python.pastebin.com/m5e45943e

The time out occurs in the Igor_ProcessMol def.  How do I lengthen the time
out duration?  I have tried setting it via self.igor.activate(timeout=1200)
but that doesn't work.  It seems like self.igor.Do_Script() should have a
way to set the time out.

Any suggestions or work around greatly appreciated.

NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
Global Monitoring Division
325 Broadway, R/GMD1
Boulder, CO 80305
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