[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app missing import statement

Barry Scott barry at barrys-emacs.org
Fri Feb 12 09:49:36 CET 2010

On 11 Feb 2010, at 12:10, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

> On 10 Feb, 2010, at 18:11, Christopher Barker wrote:
>> Barry Scott wrote:
>>> I made a mistake and got my PYTHONPATH wrong hence
>>> _bemacs cannot be found.
>>> I guess that in the face of an import that cannot be found
>>> py2app simply ignores it. What would be useful is to have
>>> a message saying the import cannot be found.
>>> I realise that this can lead to false positive messages
>>> but it would be useful to point to errors.
>> I agree -- it really should issue a warning or something.
> It does print a warning, but one that's hidden in a lot of noise. Py2app currently logs everything it does, and that's mostly completely uninteresting.

No it does not as Christ has confirmed.

>> You can post a bug report/feature request on the pyobjc project at one at Sourceforge.
> And ideally you should include a patch. In this case that would be a patch that disables most of the logging in py2app (or rather replaces it with must more succint logging "building bundle", "copying python files", ...)

And the messages should clearly show their severity. I use prefixes of Info: Warn: and Error: myself.

I have code in MEINC_Installer (http://sourceforge.net/projects/meinc-installer/) that knows which
imports are version and platform specific to filter out the noise you get when all missing imports
are printed.

See http://meinc-installer.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/meinc-installer/trunk/MEINC_Installer/Common/check_warning_file.py?revision=9&view=markup

This script is run over the output of MEINC installer to only tell you about genuine missing imports.


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