sub modules missing?

Michael Aye kmichael.aye at
Fri Mar 2 12:42:05 EST 2012

On Friday, March 2, 2012 6:38:37 PM UTC+1, Michael Aye wrote:
> On Friday, March 2, 2012 6:37:56 PM UTC+1, Michael Aye wrote:
>> On Friday, March 2, 2012 6:12:24 PM UTC+1, Michael Aye wrote:
>>> In [48]: import skimage.
>>> skimage._osp     skimage.util     skimage.version  
>>> In [48]: import skimage.
>>> and:
>>> In [46]: from skimage import exposure
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call 
>>> last)
>>> /Users/maye/Dropbox/src/pymars/<ipython-input-46-fda3143d69ce> in 
>>> <module>()
>>> ----> 1 from skimage import exposure
>>> ImportError: cannot import name exposure
>>> In [47]: skimage.__version__
>>> Out[47]: '0.6dev'
>>> What happened here?
>>> Please help.
>> Not the most orthodox and efficient method but I guess I required some 
>> clean-up somewhere from my previous 0.5dev build. I removed my git clone 
>> and started from scratch. Then the 0.6dev works fine.
>> With unorthodox and low efficiency I described my solution of removing 
> the whole clone. ;) 

I'm talking to myself, sorry for the SPAM. But I just wanted to let people 
know, that it all might just have been fine with a %rehash in iPython, 
because interestingly it even uses the hash when typing skimage.<tab>.( I 
thought submodules would be found by 'real-time' digging into the module 
namespace given, but I was wrong.)
 Now that I destroyed the line of evidence, I can not know though if that 
was all that was wrong here. Case closed. ;)

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