Distance Estimation

Chris Spencer chrisspen at gmail.com
Sun Aug 28 20:31:28 EDT 2016


Can scikit-image be used for supervised learning?

I have training data, where each sample is composed of a raw RGB image, a 
black-and-white image mask showing the laser projection onto the image, and 
the laser range finder distance measurements in millimetres.

Is there any algorithm in scikit-image that I could use to train a 
predictor that could estimate the distance at each pixel in an image?

I've gone through all the examples, and none of them seemed to directly 
apply. The image segmentation example seemed to be the closest, but that 
didn't use supervised learning, so I wasn't sure how I could adapt it's 

Can this goal be accomplished with sckit-image? If not, is there another 
library and algorithm you could recommend?

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