[scikit-learn] Is there any official position on PEP484/mypy?

Daniel Moisset dmoisset at machinalis.com
Thu Aug 4 07:40:37 EDT 2016

If the dependency is really a showstopper, bundling could be an option. The
module is a single, pure python file so that shouldn't complicate things

@Joel, regarding
«without ndarray/sparse matrix type support, we're not going to be able to
annotate most of our code in sufficient detail»

That shouldn't be a problem, we have already written some working support
for numpy at https://github.com/machinalis/mypy-data, so it's possible no
annotate ndarrays and matrix types (scipy.sparse is not covered yet, I
could take a look into that).


On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 7:12 PM, Andreas Mueller <t3kcit at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 08/02/2016 01:48 PM, Gael Varoquaux wrote:
>> * One relevant consequence is that, to add annotations on the code,
>>> scikit-learn should depend on the "typing"[1] module which contains some
>>> of the
>>> basic names imported and used in annotations. It's a stdlib module in
>>> python
>>> 3.5, but the PyPI package backports it to python 2.7 and newer (I'm not
>>> sure
>>> how it works with Python 2.6, which might be an issue)
>> I am afraid that this is going to be a problem: we have a no dependency
>> policy (beyond numpy and scipy).
> I still think this is a point we should discuss further ;)
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