[scikit-learn] DBSCAN Border Points

Joel Nothman joel.nothman at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 18:17:01 EST 2018

It includes non-core points, but not points that are out of eps from any
core point. You can modify eps and min_samples. But perhaps you should just
choose a different clustering algorithm if this is behaviour you absolutely
do not want.

On 30 January 2018 at 23:24, AMIR SHANEHSAZZADEH <
amir.p.shanehsazzadeh at umasd.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am working with the latest implementation of DBSCAN. I believe that
> scikit-learn's implementation does not include non-core points in clusters.
> This results in border points not being included in clusters. Is there any
> way to remedy this issue so that border points are included in their
> respective clusters? Do you know what modifications I would need to make
> the code?
> Thank you,
> Amir Shanehsazzadeh
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