[SciPy-Dev] What we do struggle with is lack of progress on big-ticket items

Lars G. lagru at mailbox.org
Wed Jan 24 06:09:51 EST 2018

Hello, to add to this:

On 23.01.2018 23:49, Matt Haberland wrote:

> Besides the day-to-day workflow, I also had a hard time getting my
> development environment set up initially. A video on that would be
> really helpful, too.
I'd find additional hints on how to execute & debug changes to a local
development version of SciPy really useful. I'm still struggling with
I think to try out & debug changes to Python code one needs to compile &
install the full package which is not really feasible for every change. 
My current hack is to overwrite selected files in the site-packages
folder (where SciPy-Dev is installed) with the modified files through a
simple script. That way I don't need to rebuild the binaries.
I'm sure there is a better approach and it may be useful to cover these
steps (how to debug or execute selected unit tests in PyCharm or any
other IDE) as well.

At least on Linux I found the contribution guide quite helpful for the
initial setup. However I think some tips on how to install from source
into a conda or virtualenv environment would improve this further. As it
is, coming from Windows, some backround knowledge about Linux is
definitly required.

Greetings, Lars

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