[SciPy-Dev] ENH: Extend peak finding capabilities in scipy.signal (#8264)

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 09:57:50 EST 2018

> Actually I have changed my mind about submitting the alternative in
> another PR.

Separate PRs can reduce review burden. In this case, though, it seems like
the code is simple enough that it could be included. We just need to make
sure we sufficiently thoroughly test the compiled function for possible
failure modes.

- It is ...

All of this sounds fine to me. The compiled code is worth it for speed
gains, assuming its complexity (and thus maintenance burden) is not too
high. Looking at it, it looks justified.

Assuming nobody objects to this path, feel free to implement and ping me
(larsoner) on GitHub for a review when it's ready.

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