[SciPy-user] New implementation for gui_thread

Gary Pajer pajer at iname.com
Sat Oct 11 11:07:04 EDT 2003

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pearu Peterson" <pearu at scipy.org>


> I have looked into this problem and discovered that Linux port of
> chaco is broken more seriously than I would expect. Though the missing
> files can be restored from Attic directories, it seems that chaco
> development under Linux is so much behind what has been done under
> Windows.

Generally, is scipy / chaco development happening in Windows, then ported to
linux, or vice versa?

The instructions on the web site for building in Windows sound very scary.
Is building in Windows reasonable using the mingc compiler or cygwin?   The
instructions on the web site are definitely broken ( a broken link) and
possibly old (?).  I've avoided even trying to build under windows, but I'd
love to, actually.   I'd ask if it were possible to post instructions, but I
don't know what I'm asking ... it may be an unreasonable request.


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