[SciPy-user] New implementation for gui_thread

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Mon Oct 13 15:30:57 EDT 2003

On Sat, 11 Oct 2003, Gary Pajer wrote:

> Generally, is scipy / chaco development happening in Windows, then ported to
> linux, or vice versa?

I think it is true that Scipy is developed mainly under Linux and Chaco 
mainly (read: currently only) under Windows.

> The instructions on the web site for building in Windows sound very scary.
> Is building in Windows reasonable using the mingc compiler or cygwin?   The
> instructions on the web site are definitely broken ( a broken link) and
> possibly old (?).  I've avoided even trying to build under windows, but I'd
> love to, actually.   I'd ask if it were possible to post instructions, but I
> don't know what I'm asking ... it may be an unreasonable request.

I think what you are asking is a very reasonable request but unfortunately 
I cannot help much what comes to building scipy under Windows. I can only 
suggest to try it out and report any occuring problems to scipy-dev list.


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