[SciPy-user] scipy, data storage and mpi

Giovanni Samaey giovanni.samaey at cs.kuleuven.ac.be
Tue Jun 6 07:46:13 EDT 2006


in our department, we are currently examining the possibility of 
disencouraging the use of matlab in favor of
python + scipy + matplotlib -- the advantages being the open character, 
the programming language, and the possibilities for parallel computing.

We are currently looking for an MPI python package and a data storage 
package that can work with numpy arrays, as well as with each other?
Which of the MPI choices are known to work with numpy arrays, or are 
known to work with them in the near future? Data storage seems well
developed in the pyTables package?  Does this allow parallel writing, 
and if so, does it matter which MPI python package we use?

I should probably ask some of these questions on more specific mailing 
list, but I was hoping that some people here would have a more general 

Best, and thanks in advance for any comments,


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