June 2006 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Jun 1 05:53:35 EDT 2006
Ending: Fri Jun 30 16:59:20 EDT 2006
Messages: 300
- [SciPy-user] "Approximately equal to" operator?
Martin Spacek
- [SciPy-user] "Approximately equal to" operator?
Vincent Favre-Nicolin
- [SciPy-user] "Approximately equal to" operator?
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] "Approximately equal to" operator?
Martin Spacek
- [SciPy-user] 'module' object has no attribute 'UnsignedInt8'
Steve Schmerler
- [SciPy-user] 'module' object has no attribute 'UnsignedInt8'
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] 'module' object has no attribute 'UnsignedInt8'
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] [ANN] Veusz 0.10 - a scientific plotting package
Jeremy Sanders
- [SciPy-user] ANN: Metavolv.py released - thanks to you guys
Mitchell Timin
- [SciPy-user] ANN: PyDSTool v0.83.2 with AUTO support
Robert Clewley
- [SciPy-user] ANN: Python Enthought Edition Version 0.9.7 Released
Bryce Hendrix
- [SciPy-user] ANN: Python Enthought Edition Version 0.9.7 Released
Bryce Hendrix
- [SciPy-user] ANN: SciPy 2006 Conference Reminder
Travis N. Vaught
- [SciPy-user] Anybody used weave.blitz to speed NumPy up?
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] Anybody used weave.blitz to speed NumPy up?
Fernando Perez
- [SciPy-user] Anybody used weave.blitz to speed NumPy up?
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] Anybody used weave.blitz to speed NumPy up?
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] Anybody used weave.blitz to speed NumPy up?
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] Anybody used weave.blitz to speed NumPy up?
Fernando Perez
- [SciPy-user] Anybody used weave.blitz to speed NumPy up?
Arnd Baecker
- [SciPy-user] Anybody used weave.blitz to speed NumPy up?
Fernando Perez
- [SciPy-user] Anybody used weave.blitz to speed NumPy up?
eric jones
- [SciPy-user] Anybody used weave.blitz to speed NumPy up?
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] Anybody used weave.blitz to speed NumPy up?
Denis Simakov
- [SciPy-user] arrays with units
Alexander Ross
- [SciPy-user] arrays with units
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] brute() in optimize.py
Steven Young
- [SciPy-user] bug fixes + changes to scipy.optimize
Alexandre Guimond
- [SciPy-user] bug fixes + changes to scipy.optimize
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] bug fixes + changes to scipy.optimize
Alexandre Guimond
- [SciPy-user] Bug in scipy.special.ivp
Takanobu Amano
- [SciPy-user] Bug in scipy.special.ivp
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] Bug in scipy.special.ivp
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] Bug on 0.4.9 ?
Antonio Arauzo Azofra
- [SciPy-user] Bug on 0.4.9 ?
DE MENTEN Sebastien
- [SciPy-user] Bug on 0.4.9 ?
Antonio Arauzo Azofra
- [SciPy-user] can't import scipy.interpolate
- [SciPy-user] can't import scipy.interpolate
Gary Pajer
- [SciPy-user] can't import scipy.interpolate
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] can't import scipy.interpolate
- [SciPy-user] can't import scipy.interpolate
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] cluster package
Alan G Isaac
- [SciPy-user] cluster package
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] cluster package
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] cluster package
Alan G Isaac
- [SciPy-user] cluster package
Emanuele Olivetti
- [SciPy-user] cluster package
Emanuele Olivetti
- [SciPy-user] cluster package
Lev Givon
- [SciPy-user] cluster package removed / changed?
Alexandre Guimond
- [SciPy-user] cluster package removed / changed?
Emanuele Olivetti
- [SciPy-user] cluster package removed / changed?
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] cluster package removed / changed?
Alexandre Guimond
- [SciPy-user] cluster package removed / changed?
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Cookbook: Interpolation of an N-D curve error
Angus McMorland
- [SciPy-user] Cookbook: Interpolation of an N-D curve error
David Huard
- [SciPy-user] Cookbook: Interpolation of an N-D curve error
Angus McMorland
- [SciPy-user] Cookbook: Interpolation of an N-D curve error
Fernando Perez
- [SciPy-user] Cookbook: Interpolation of an N-D curve error
Angus McMorland
- [SciPy-user] Creating a 2D matrix with a gausian hump?
James Carroll
- [SciPy-user] Creating a 2D matrix with a gausian hump?
Gerald Richter
- [SciPy-user] Creating a 2D matrix with a gausian hump?
Gerald Richter
- [SciPy-user] Creating a 2D matrix with a gausian hump?
Favre-Nicolin Vincent
- [SciPy-user] Creating a 2D matrix with a gausian hump?
James Carroll
- [SciPy-user] dtype
Maik Trömel
- [SciPy-user] dtype
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] dtype
Maik Trömel
- [SciPy-user] dynamic lookup/linking error related to symbol '_sprintf$LDBLStub'
Albert Krewinkel
- [SciPy-user] element-by-element max of two arrays?
Grant Edwards
- [SciPy-user] element-by-element max of two arrays?
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] element-by-element max of two arrays?
Grant Edwards
- [SciPy-user] element-by-element max of two arrays?
Alan G Isaac
- [SciPy-user] error importing scipy.weave
Taro Sato
- [SciPy-user] error importing scipy.weave
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] error importing scipy.weave
Taro Sato
- [SciPy-user] error on testing installed package and question on calling lapack functions
- [SciPy-user] extract array elements whis where() output
Steve Schmerler
- [SciPy-user] extract array elements whis where() output
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] extract array elements whis where() output
Johannes Loehnert
- [SciPy-user] extract array elements whis where() output
Steve Schmerler
- [SciPy-user] Extract local minima
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] Extract local minima
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Extract local minima
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] Extract local minima
Paul Barrett
- [SciPy-user] Extract local minima
Alan G Isaac
- [SciPy-user] Extract local minima
- [SciPy-user] FAIL: check_simple (scipy.optimize.tests.test_cobyla.test_cobyla)
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] Feature request for sparse matrices
- [SciPy-user] FFT2d
Jean-Francois Moulin
- [SciPy-user] FFT2d
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] FFT2d
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] FFT2d
JF Moulin
- [SciPy-user] fisrt version of physical constants module + codata
weg werp
- [SciPy-user] fisrt version of physical constants module + codata
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] fisrt version of physical constants module + codata
weg werp
- [SciPy-user] fisrt version of physical constants module + codata
Gary Ruben
- [SciPy-user] fisrt version of physical constants module + codata
weg werp
- [SciPy-user] fisrt version of physical constants module + codata
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] fisrt version of physical constants module + codata
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] fisrt version of physical constants module + codata
- [SciPy-user] fmin_ncg hangs with latest svn
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] fmin_ncg hangs with latest svn
Ed Schofield
- [SciPy-user] fmin_ncg hangs with latest svn
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] from scipy import * error. (outerproduct missing)
Xavier Gnata
- [SciPy-user] from scipy import * error. (outerproduct missing)
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] fsolve() crashes python on windows
Vedran Furač
- [SciPy-user] future-safe saving of numpy arrays?
Cory Davis
- [SciPy-user] future-safe saving of numpy arrays?
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] future-safe saving of numpy arrays?
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] getting all vertices of simplex from optimize.fmin
Ryan Krauss
- [SciPy-user] getting all vertices of simplex from optimize.fmin
Ed Schofield
- [SciPy-user] histogram(a, normed=True) doesn't normalize?
Martin Spacek
- [SciPy-user] histogram(a, normed=True) doesn't normalize?
David Huard
- [SciPy-user] histogram(a, normed=True) doesn't normalize?
Martin Spacek
- [SciPy-user] histogram(a, normed=True) doesn't normalize?
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] inverse to scipy.stats.zprob?
Webb Sprague
- [SciPy-user] inverse to scipy.stats.zprob?
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] linear_least_squares: OverFlow error
massimo sandal
- [SciPy-user] linear_least_squares: OverFlow error or flapack.error
massimo sandal
- [SciPy-user] linear_least_squares: OverFlow error or flapack.error
David Huard
- [SciPy-user] linear_least_squares: OverFlow error or flapack.error
massimo sandal
- [SciPy-user] linear_least_squares: OverFlow error or flapack.error
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] linear_least_squares: OverFlow error or flapack.error
David Grant
- [SciPy-user] linear_least_squares: OverFlow error or flapack.error
massimo sandal
- [SciPy-user] linear_least_squares: OverFlow error or flapack.error
massimo sandal
- [SciPy-user] Low pass filter design and usage
Joseph Kardamis (RIT Student)
- [SciPy-user] Low pass filter design and usage
Lev Givon
- [SciPy-user] Mailing list is back
Jeff Strunk
- [SciPy-user] manipulate arrays/matrices
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] manipulate arrays/matrices
Pau Gargallo
- [SciPy-user] manipulate arrays/matrices
David Douard
- [SciPy-user] manipulate arrays/matrices
David Grant
- [SciPy-user] manipulate arrays/matrices
David Douard
- [SciPy-user] Matlab lsqlin equivalent: Constrained least squares
Sebastian Haase
- [SciPy-user] Matlab lsqlin equivalent: Constrained least squares
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Matlab lsqlin equivalent: Constrained least squares
Sebastian Haase
- [SciPy-user] Matlab to numpy
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] Matlab to numpy
David Douard
- [SciPy-user] Matlab to numpy
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] Matlab to numpy
David Douard
- [SciPy-user] Matlab to numpy
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] Matlab to numpy
Bart Vandereycken
- [SciPy-user] MDP-2.0 released
Tiziano Zito
- [SciPy-user] Mesh generator
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] Mesh generator
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Mesh generator
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] Mesh generator
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Mesh generator
Alan G Isaac
- [SciPy-user] Mesh generator
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Mesh generator
Alan G Isaac
- [SciPy-user] Modelica and Python
Srijit Kumar Bhadra
- [SciPy-user] module with physical constants
R. Padraic Springuel
- [SciPy-user] module with physical constants
R. Padraic Springuel
- [SciPy-user] Neuroimaging in Python programmer position
Jarrod Millman
- [SciPy-user] New feature added to weave's standard array type converters
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] numpy.test() segfaults with numpy 0.9.8
Sergey Dolgov
- [SciPy-user] numpy.test() segfaults with numpy 0.9.8
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] numpy.test() segfaults with numpy 0.9.8
Sergey Dolgov
- [SciPy-user] numpy.testing and other test runners
Neilen Marais
- [SciPy-user] numpy.testing and other test runners
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] numpy.testing and other test runners
Bryce Hendrix
- [SciPy-user] numpy install fails
Craig Maloney
- [SciPy-user] odeint and complex coupled differential equations
Mark Everitt
- [SciPy-user] odeint and complex coupled differential equations
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] odeint rtol and atol default values
Steve Schmerler
- [SciPy-user] odeint rtol and atol default values
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] odeint rtol and atol default values
Steve Schmerler
- [SciPy-user] odeint rtol and atol default values
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] odeint rtol and atol default values
Doug Latornell
- [SciPy-user] odeint rtol and atol default values
Steve Schmerler
- [SciPy-user] odeint rtol and atol default values
Keith Goodman
- [SciPy-user] odeint rtol and atol default values
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] odeint rtol and atol default values
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] odeint rtol and atol default values
Keith Goodman
- [SciPy-user] optimize.brent* full_output=1 ?
Steve Schmerler
- [SciPy-user] optimize.brent* full_output=1 ?
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] Polylogarithms
Michael McNeil Forbes
- [SciPy-user] Polylogarithms
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] Polylogarithms
Michael McNeil Forbes
- [SciPy-user] Possible bug in stats.describe
Christopher Mutel
- [SciPy-user] Possible bug in stats.describe
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Possible bug with Hermite polynomials
Steffen Loeck
- [SciPy-user] Possible bug with Hermite polynomials
Karol Langner
- [SciPy-user] Possible bug with Hermite polynomials
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] Possible bug with Hermite polynomials
Travis Oliphant
- [SciPy-user] Possible bug with Hermite polynomials
Steffen Loeck
- [SciPy-user] Problems with odeint
Víctor Martínez-Moll
- [SciPy-user] Problems with odeint
Víctor Martínez-Moll
- [SciPy-user] Problems with odeint
Vinicius Lobosco
- [SciPy-user] Problems with odeint
Vinicius Lobosco
- [SciPy-user] Problems with odeint
Fernando Perez
- [SciPy-user] Problems with odeint
Víctor Martínez-Moll
- [SciPy-user] Problems with odeint
Víctor Martínez-Moll
- [SciPy-user] Problems with odeint
Vinicius Lobosco
- [SciPy-user] PYFITS 1.1 "BETA 2" RELEASE
Christopher Hanley
- [SciPy-user] Python - Matlab least squares difference
A. Rachel Grinberg
- [SciPy-user] Python - Matlab least squares difference
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Python - Matlab least squares difference
Albert Strasheim
- [SciPy-user] Python - Matlab least squares difference
A. Rachel Grinberg
- [SciPy-user] Python - Matlab least squares difference
A. Rachel Grinberg
- [SciPy-user] Python - Matlab least squares difference
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Python - Matlab least squares difference
A. Rachel Grinberg
- [SciPy-user] Python - Matlab least squares difference
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] ragged arrays
David Grant
- [SciPy-user] ragged arrays
John Hunter
- [SciPy-user] ragged arrays
David Grant
- [SciPy-user] rescuing old pickled numpy arrays
Cory Davis
- [SciPy-user] rescuing old pickled numpy arrays
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] rescuing old pickled numpy arrays
Cory Davis
- [SciPy-user] rescuing old pickled numpy arrays
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] Sample and hold
Martin Spacek
- [SciPy-user] Sample and hold
Martin Spacek
- [SciPy-user] Sample and hold
John Hunter
- [SciPy-user] Sample and hold
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Sample and hold
John Hunter
- [SciPy-user] Sample and hold
Robert Clewley
- [SciPy-user] scipy, data storage and mpi
Giovanni Samaey
- [SciPy-user] SciPy - ACML - PGI compiler. Getting a newbie started
Buddy Damm
- [SciPy-user] scipy.io.loadmat can't handle structs from octave
Brian Blais
- [SciPy-user] scipy.io.loadmat can't handle structs from octave
Nick Fotopoulos
- [SciPy-user] scipy.io.loadmat can't handle structs from octave
Brian Blais
- [SciPy-user] scipy.io.loadmat can't handle structs from octave
Nick Fotopoulos
- [SciPy-user] scipy.io.mio.savemat error
Keith Goodman
- [SciPy-user] scipy.io.mio.savemat error
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] scipy.io.mio.savemat error
Keith Goodman
- [SciPy-user] scipy.io.mio.savemat error
Stefan van der Walt
- [SciPy-user] SciPy 2006 Tutorials
Travis N. Vaught
- [SciPy-user] Scipy and Py2exe
Jose Luis Gomez Dans
- [SciPy-user] scipy build bdist_rpm
Christian Kristukat
- [SciPy-user] scipy build bdist_rpm
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] scipy build bdist_rpm
Christian Kristukat
- [SciPy-user] scipy build bdist_rpm
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] scipy build bdist_rpm
Stephen Walton
- [SciPy-user] scipy build bdist_rpm
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] scipy itpython and debian
- [SciPy-user] scipy itpython and debian
Steve Schmerler
- [SciPy-user] scipy itpython and debian
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] scipy itpython and debian
Xavier Gnata
- [SciPy-user] SciPy web docs: add FC5 install instructions
Mark Alford
- [SciPy-user] SciPy web docs: add FC5 install instructions
Arnd Baecker
- [SciPy-user] SciPy with Sun Performance Library
Crider, Joseph A
- [SciPy-user] shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] Simpson bug?
Peter Bienstman
- [SciPy-user] Simpson bug?
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] slow integrals
Eric Emsellem
- [SciPy-user] slow integrals
David M. Cooke
- [SciPy-user] slow integrals
Eric Emsellem
- [SciPy-user] Struggling to make use of sparse
William Hunter
- [SciPy-user] toimage
Maik Trömel
- [SciPy-user] toimage
Stefan van der Walt
- [SciPy-user] toimage
Maik Trömel
- [SciPy-user] Trac
Nick Fotopoulos
- [SciPy-user] Trac
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Triangular Matrix, Matrix Manipulations
Chris Lasher
- [SciPy-user] Triangular Matrix, Matrix Manipulations
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Triangular Matrix, Matrix Manipulations
Ed Schofield
- [SciPy-user] triangulation error
Martin Rutzinger
- [SciPy-user] triangulation error
Simon Anders
- [SciPy-user] triangulation error
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Triangulation of L-shaped domains
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] Triangulation of L-shaped domains
John Hunter
- [SciPy-user] Triangulation of L-shaped domains
Nils Wagner
- [SciPy-user] Triangulation of L-shaped domains
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Unable to find COW
Edmondo Minisci
- [SciPy-user] Unable to find COW
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Unable to find COW
Edmondo Minisci
- [SciPy-user] Unable to find COW
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Unable to find COW
Edmondo Minisci
- [SciPy-user] updated Ubuntu Dapper packages for numpy, matplotlib, and scipy online
Andrew Straw
- [SciPy-user] update of constansts module
weg werp
- [SciPy-user] update of constansts module
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Update to my SciPy document
Dave Kuhlman
- [SciPy-user] Update to my SciPy document
Gary Pajer
- [SciPy-user] Update to my SciPy document
Steve Lianoglou
- [SciPy-user] Update to my SciPy document
Fernando Perez
- [SciPy-user] Update to my SciPy document
Francesc Altet
- [SciPy-user] Update to my SciPy document
Dave Kuhlman
- [SciPy-user] Update to my SciPy document
Dave Kuhlman
- [SciPy-user] Update to my SciPy document
Steve Schmerler
- [SciPy-user] Update to my SciPy document
imcs ee
- [SciPy-user] using (c)vode [was: odeint rtol and atol default values)]
Steve Schmerler
- [SciPy-user] using (c)vode [was: odeint rtol and atol default values)]
Doug Latornell
- [SciPy-user] using (c)vode [was: odeint rtol and atol default values)]
Doug Latornell
- [SciPy-user] Vector indexing
David Grant
- [SciPy-user] Vector indexing
David Grant
- [SciPy-user] Vector indexing
Simon Burton
- [SciPy-user] Vector indexing
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Vector indexing
Robert Kern
- [SciPy-user] Vector indexing
David Grant
- [SciPy-user] Vector indexing
Pau Gargallo
- [SciPy-user] warnings in leastsq and fsolve in scipy.optimize
Taro Sato
- [SciPy-user] Win32 scipy binary; Python 2.4, Numeric
Reidar Strand Hagen
- [SciPy-user] Win32 scipy binary; Python 2.4, Numeric
Johannes Loehnert
- [SciPy-user] Win32 scipy binary; Python 2.4, Numeric
Reidar Strand Hagen
- [SciPy-user] Zeta function of complex argument
Johannes Loehnert
- [SciPy-user] Zeta function of complex argument
Travis Oliphant
Last message date:
Fri Jun 30 16:59:20 EDT 2006
Archived on: Sun Nov 13 23:52:28 EST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).