[SciPy-user] ANN: SciPy 2007 Conference

Travis Vaught travis at enthought.com
Wed Apr 18 18:33:01 EDT 2007


The *SciPy 2007 Conference* has been scheduled for mid-August at  


Here's the rough schedule:

Tutorials:   August 14-15 (Tuesday and Wednesday)
Conference:  August 16-17 (Thursday and Friday)
Sprints:     August 18    (Saturday)

Exciting things are happening in the Python community, and the SciPy  
2007 Conference is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, learn  
techniques, contribute code and affect the direction of scientific  
computing (or just to learn what all the fuss is about).  Last year's  
conference saw a near-doubling of attendance to 138, and we're  
looking forward to continued gains in participation.  We'll be  
announcing the Keynote Speaker and providing a detailed schedule in  
the coming weeks.

Registration is now open.
You may register online at https://www.enthought.com/scipy07.  Early  
registration for the conference is $150.00 and includes breakfast and  
lunch Thursday & Friday and a very nice dinner Thursday night.   
Tutorial registration is an additional $75.00.  After July 15, 2007,  
conference registration will increase to $200.00 (tutorial  
registration will remain the same at $75.00).

Call for Presenters
If you are interested in presenting at the conference, you may submit  
an abstract in Plain Text, PDF or MS Word formats to  
abstracts at scipy.org -- the deadline for abstract submission is July  
6, 2007.  Papers and/or presentation slides are acceptable and are  
due by August 3, 2007.

Tutorial Sessions
Last year's conference saw an overwhelming turnout for our first-ever  
tutorial sessions.  In order to better accommodate the community  
interest in tutorials, we've expanded them to 2 days and are  
providing food (requiring us to charge a modest fee for tutorials  
this year).

A tentative list of topics for tutorials includes:

- Wrapping Code with Python (extension module development)
- Building Rich Scientific Applications with Python
- Using SciPy for Statistical Analysis
- Using SciPy for Signal Processing and Image Processing
- Using Python as a Scientific IDE/Workbench
- Others...

This is a preliminary list; topics will change and be extended.

If you'd like to present a tutorial, or are interested in a  
particular topic for a tutorial, please email the SciPy users mailing  
list (link below).  A current list will be maintained here:


Coding Sprints
We've dedicated the Saturday after the conference for a Coding  
Sprint.  Please include any ideas for Sprint topics on the Sprints  
wiki page here: http://www.scipy.org/SciPy2007/Sprints

We're looking forward to another great conference!



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