[SciPy-User] Save the date: SciPy 2010 June 28 - July 3

Chris Colbert sccolbert at gmail.com
Sun Feb 14 21:08:35 EST 2010

Do you know when the official call for papers will come out?

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Amenity Applewhite
<amenity at enthought.com>wrote:

> The annual US Scientific Computing with Python Conference, SciPy, has been
> held at Caltech <http://www.caltech.edu/> since it began in 2001. While we
> always love an excuse to go to California, it’s also important to make sure
> that we allow everyone an opportunity to attend the conference. So, as
> Jarrod Millman announced<http://blog.jarrodmillman.com/2009/11/scipy-2010-coming-to-austin-tx-628-74.html> last
> fall, we’ll begin rotating the conference location and hold the 2010
> conference <http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/> in Austin, Texas.
> As you may know, Enthought is headquartered in Austin. So in addition to
> our standard SciPy sponsorship, this year we’ll also be undertaking a great
> deal of the planning and organization.
> To begin with, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve secured several
> corporate sponsorships that will allow us to host the conference at the
> brand new AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center<http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/location.html> on
> campus at the University of Texas <http://www.utexas.edu/>. It’s a
> wonderful facility in Central Austin and provides easy access to an array of
> great restaurants, parks, and music venues<http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/location.html>
> .
> We will also be able to provide stipends for our Tutorial presenters<http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/tutorials.html> for
> the first time. These community members provide us with an invaluable
> learning experience every year, and we’re very excited to be able to
> compensate them for their efforts. And of course, we’ll also continue to
> offer student sponsorships<http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/student.html> to
> support active academic contributors who want to attend the conference.
> So mark your calendars, folks! June 28 – July 3. Early registration<https://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/registration.html> open
> now.
> Thanks,
> The Enthought Team
> --
> Amenity Applewhite
> Enthought, Inc.
> Scientific Computing Solutions
> www.enthought.com
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