[SciPy-User] [scikits.timeseries] Custom xticks labels

Paweł gorkypl at gmail.com
Sat Jul 2 11:56:15 EDT 2011


I have a problem with xticks while using scikits.timeseries. While
plotting long series of data, the default labels of xticks are month
names, and year numbers every 12th tick.
I want to change this to something like mm.yy (%m.%y) under every tick.
Up to now I experimented with xaxis.set_major_formatter() and
TimeSeries_DateFormatter, but none of my methods work.

I can do what I want in 'pure' matplotlib (using set_major_formatter
and matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter), but I'm unable to achieve this
while plotting timeseries using scikits.timeseries module.

Can anyone help me? Any working example or a clue?

Paweł Rumian

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