[SciPy-User] Call for code nominations for Elegant SciPy!

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 20:29:15 EST 2015

Hi all,

Sorry for cross posting but we are trying to get as many great submissions
as possible! I'll keep things short with Raniere Silva's summary:

*Long version:*

*Short version:*
Harriet Dashnow, Stéfan van der Walt, and I will be writing an O'Reilly
book about the SciPy library and the surrounding ecosystem. (...)

So, if you recently came across scientific Python code that made you go
"Wow!" with its elegance, simplicity, cleverness, or power, please point us
to it! (...)

*How to submit*
Reach @hdashnow, @stefanvdwalt or @jnuneziglesias on Twitter or just
comment on the blog post,


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