[SciPy-User] Call for code nominations for Elegant SciPy!

Jonathan Helmus jjhelmus at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 11:00:57 EST 2015


     Just wanted to say that how excited it is to hear about a new book 
on SciPy. I'm looking forward to seeing it in print.  If I recall or 
come across some elegant examples of SciPy usage I'll be sure to forward 
them along.


     - Jonathan Helmus

On 02/05/2015 07:29 PM, Juan Nunez-Iglesias wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sorry for cross posting but we are trying to get as many great 
> submissions as possible! I'll keep things short with Raniere Silva's 
> summary:
> *Long version:*
> http://ilovesymposia.com/2015/02/04/call-for-code-nominations-for-elegant-scipy/.
> *Short version:*
> Harriet Dashnow, Stéfan van der Walt, and I will be writing an 
> O’Reilly book about the SciPy library and the surrounding ecosystem. (...)
> So, if you recently came across scientific Python code that made you 
> go “Wow!” with its elegance, simplicity, cleverness, or power, please 
> point us to it! (...)
> *How to submit*
> Reach @hdashnow, @stefanvdwalt or @jnuneziglesias on Twitter or just 
> comment on the blog post, 
> http://ilovesymposia.com/2015/02/04/call-for-code-nominations-for-elegant-scipy/
> Thanks!
> Juan.
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