[SciPy-User] [Numpy-discussion] Google Summer of Code and NumFOCUS

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 10:53:05 EST 2015

Hi Raniere,

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Raniere Silva <raniere at ime.unicamp.br>

> Hi,
> NumFOCUS has promotes and supports the ongoing research and development of
> open-source computing tools including NumPy.
> This year NumFOCUS want to try be a Google Summer of Code
> "umbrella" mentoring organization,
>     Umbrella organizations are mentoring organizations accepted into the
> Google
>     Summer of Code program that have other open source organizations
> working
>     "under" them. Sometime organizations that work very closely or have
> very
>     similar goals or communities may get put together under an "umbrella."
>     Google stills expects all organizations under the umbrella, whether
> accepted
>     into the program under their title or not, to adhere to all the rules
> and
>     regulations of the program.
>     From
> https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2015/help_page#umbrella_organization
> To help promote and support NumPy.
> We encourage NumPy to apply to Google Summer of Code under your own title
> and will be very happy if you can also do with us.
> If you are interested, please check
> https://github.com/swcarpentry/gsoc2015
> and https://github.com/swcarpentry/gsoc2015/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md.
> If you have any question, please email me directly.

Thanks for the enthusiasm in getting Numfocus set up as a new mentoring org
- I'm sure that this will be useful for the long term. I'm not sure if
you're aware that Numpy, Scipy and many other scientific Python projects
have been participating under the umbrella of the PSF for a number of years
already (see https://wiki.python.org/moin/SummerOfCode/2014). For this year
we'd like to keep it that way. I'll email you privately with more details
and to see if I can help you in any way.

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