[SciPy-User] [Numpy-discussion] Google Summer of Code and NumFOCUS

Raniere Silva raniere at ime.unicamp.br
Fri Feb 20 11:19:00 EST 2015

Hi Ralf,

> Thanks for the enthusiasm in getting Numfocus set up as a new mentoring org
> - I'm sure that this will be useful for the long term.

Thanks for your email.

> I'm not sure if
> you're aware that Numpy, Scipy and many other scientific Python projects
> have been participating under the umbrella of the PSF for a number of years
> already (see https://wiki.python.org/moin/SummerOfCode/2014).

Yes, I'm aware of it.
I only care that every project have the opportunity to participate at GSoC
and participants have fun during it. =)

> For this year we'd like to keep it that way.

No problem for me.
I hope that we can work together on this next year.

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