[spambayes-dev] test_storage.py failing

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Thu Dec 25 18:08:40 EST 2003

    Tim> [Skip]
    >> I ran the spambayes/test/test_storage.py this morning for the first
    >> time (on a fresh CVS checkout) and got several instances of the same
    >> error.

    Tim> How many is several?  Note that there are only 5 tests here, so if
    Tim> several means more than 2, it's possible that *all* the tests died
    Tim> this way for you.  That would be a clue.

"several" was 3 in this case - all the DBDictClassifier tests.

    Tim> I expect you need to run python with -v to see how the imports are
    Tim> getting satisfied -- the only guess I have is that you're not
    Tim> getting the classes the test expects to get.

They were coming from the right place.  I eventually figured out that
distutils didn't overwrite my installed copy when I tried installing from a
new CVS version.

Sorry for the false alarm.  I wonder if I should file a bug report against


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