[spambayes-dev] Two SB on One Computer

Richie Hindle richie at entrian.com
Sat Dec 27 05:07:33 EST 2003

Hi Stephen,

> I'm using the sb_server (pop3proxy) on an XP computer as a service.  I'd 
> like to install it as two separate services and use two separate databases 
> and separate web management ports so two different users can each have 
> their own customized spam filter.

You can't (I don't think) do this with the service, but you can certainly
do it when running sb_server from the command line, or via the Startup
group.  Just run each one in its own working directory with its own

 o Create a directory for each instance of sb_server.

 o In each, create a bayescustomize.ini with minimal settings.  This:


   is probably enough.  Set up the rest through http://localhost:1234

 o Run sb_server from the command line in each directory.

Richie Hindle
richie at entrian.com

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