[spambayes-dev] Full re-initialization

Luther Nieh ltnieh at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 29 21:01:27 EST 2003

Hello SpamBayes Tech support,

Thank you for developing this useful software.  I have used it for a few
weeks and I feel it has been doing it's job as described in your

One day, as I was cleaning up the M/S Outlook folders, I accidentally
deleted the spam email folder.  Now, SpamBayes does not seem to work
anymore.  It said it couldn't send spam emails to that folder, even though I
had manually re-created the spam email folder.  I even attempted to remove
and re-install SpamBayes without any improvement.  Please let me know what
one does to have the program re-initialize itself as if it was a new

Thank you for your help.


Luther Nieh
ltnieh at sunnydesign.com
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