[spambayes-dev] Version information repository

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Fri Jun 6 17:16:45 EDT 2003

> I have just checked in spambayes/Version.py, as a simple 
> repository for version information. 

Don't forget to close the feature request for this :)  I notice that at
the same time you're moving away from the "Anti-Spam" name to Spambayes.
Are you also planning to change the name of the toolbar button &

> * To get feedback on the specific version numbers.  We are 
> moving towards Beta1, and a version of 0.1 seems reasonable 
> (whereas presumably 0.02 would have been used for alpha 2.  
> However, I am open to anything, really.

I've said this to Mark via email, but to get the list started:

I think that this makes sense as a current state, assuming that we are
about to put up a new package for download:

Main:        0.10, Spambayes Beta1, May 2003
Hammie:      0.10, ? Beta1, Jan 2003
POP3Proxy:   0.03, Spambayes POP3 Proxy Alpha3, May 2003
SMTPProxy:   0.01, Spambayes SMTP Proxy Alpha1, May 2003
IMAPFilter:  0.01, Spambayes IMAP Filter Alpha1, May 2003
NotesFilter: 0.01, Spambayes Lotus Notes Filter Alpha1, Mar 2003

I don't really know what to call the package.  Spambayes-1.0b1?

=Tony Meyer

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