[spambayes-dev] Re: [Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000addin.py, 1.62, 1.63

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Wed Jun 18 23:55:39 EDT 2003

> >From a recent checkin message:
>     Mark> Only create a SpamBayes toolbar once.  If the
> toolbar was created
>     Mark> for one explorer Window, newly created Windows
> don't see the new
>     Mark> toolbar (but they do once outlook is restarted).
> What's an "explorer Window"?  Is that a Microsoft term or
> does it refer to
> Internet Explorer or do a typical Windows file system explorer?

The Outlook object model has a few of UI related objects - an "Explorer"
(displays a collection (and maybe a preview pane) - ie, the main window) and
an "Inspector" (views a single item - mail, contact etc) among them.  I have
managed to ignore Inspectors until now :)

Combine this with "Internet Explorer" and "Windows Explorer" - both of which
are different things (even thouhh for latter embeds the former), and
confusion is to be expected <0.1 wink>


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