[spambayes-dev] Evaluating a training corpus

lidengdeng lililili26 at sina.com
Fri Dec 31 06:59:49 CET 2004

Hello Greg Ward,
    I have seen message posted by you in the below website http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes-dev/2003-June/000122.html .And I think u have solved those ploblems already.
    I'm a Chinese postgraduate in an university in China. And my  disquisition is to build a large-scale email-corpus. So  I very need your help, can u send me some  datum or papers about emial-corpus, and how to evaluate a training corpus. Are there many rules in the process of constructing the corpus?
    I'm sorry for bothering you. And I will be  greatly appreciated if you can reply me.
    Best wishes and happy new year!

lililili26 at sina.com

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