[spambayes-dev] 1.1a4

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Jun 29 04:07:00 CEST 2007

> I cut a 1.1a4 release this morning.  The main new thing is
> the core_server
> app.  I haven't yet updated the website, but will try to get
> to that a bit
> later today.  Can someone with Windows please give the zip
> file a try?  I
> followed Anthony's "rather eat live worms than use Windows"
> instructions for
> building a zip file.

I've cut both a binary installer and a binary zip file for Windows.  Sadly,
I still checked a few things in before cutting it, so I'm not sure it still
qualifies as truly 1.1a4 - but I think it is close enough :)


I haven't actually tested the installer yet, but have tested the resulting
binaries.  If people here would like to test them, we can move them to the
official site for public consumption.  Alternatively, if Tony or anyone else
would like to repackage things, please be my guest! Note that these packages
both include gocr.exe and the gocr.txt which notes the original location and
GPL status of the executable.



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