[Spambayes] Email client integration -- what's needed?

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@alum.mit.edu
Fri Nov 1 23:18:51 2002

>>>>> "TP" == Tim Peters <tim.one@comcast.net> writes:

  TP> [Jeremy Hylton]
  >> The pop proxy is great for people who use pop, but lots of people
  >> don't.

  TP> Name 362.  Ha!

Guido and at least 361 other people <wink>.

  >> Even for people who use pop, the proxy doesn't help with training
  >> at all.  So I'm afraid it's just a mess for non-Windows users.

  TP> I don't know that means it can't be less of a mess, though.  For
  TP> example, I expect we could use a common Training class, which
  TP> manages a database of opaque message objects and takes care of
  TP> things like calling appropriate classifier methods at
  TP> appropriate times, and remembering which messages have been
  TP> trained on as what.  Mark invented a bunch of code like that for
  TP> the Outlook client, but there's really nothing Outlook-specific
  TP> about it apart from the all Outlook-specific bits <wink>.  Those
  TP> could be factored out, though.

I should look at integrating Mark's code and my own training system
based on VM folders.  See what common code falls out.
