[Spambayes] Please help run an Outlook plugin test

Coe, Bob rcoe at CambridgeMA.GOV
Wed Dec 3 07:03:18 EST 2003

I would greatly appreciate it if one or more readers of this list would test the following proposition for me:

Start with a Windows XP SP1 computer without the Outlook plugin installed. (Uninstall it if necessary.)
In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager,
set "SafeDllSearchMode"=dword:00000000
Install version 0.81 of the Outlook plugin, using the self-extracting load module as distributed.
Reboot and start up Outlook. It should crash immediately.
Uninstall the plugin.
In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager,
set "SafeDllSearchMode"=dword:00000001
Install the plugin as before.
Reboot and start up Outlook. It should run correctly.

I don't know that the proposition is true, but a test I ran last night suggests that it may be. I've been trying to track down a persistent problem with the plugin ever since I converted two of my computers to XP last month. The above approach was suggested by someone whose Windows credentials are unusually good, so I'm hopeful that I may be onto something.


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