[Spambayes] Outlook Plugin Read/unread issues

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Feb 18 08:56:31 EST 2003

> [Mark]
> > Note that spambayes does not (directly) touch the "unread" 
> status of a
> > message.  I say "directly", as there may be some 
> side-effect that we don't
> > know about, but as far as I know, the read/unread status of 
> the message is
> > purely up to outlook.
> Does Outlook maybe reset the unread flag whenever the save() 
> function is called?  (except when the unread flag has been 
> modified?)  Are these things documented somewhere?

The "unread" status is a bit (MSGFLAG_READ) set on an integer property
(PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS).  The docs for this bit say:

The message is marked as having been read. This can occur as the result of a
call at any time to IMessage::SetReadFlag or IMAPIFolder::SetReadFlags.
Clients can also set this flag by calling a message's IMAPIProp::SetProps
method before the message has been saved for the first time. This flag is
ignored if the MSGFLAG_ASSOCIATED flag is set. 

So no clues here.  Dig around a little deeper for these constants if you

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