[Spambayes] training

Francois Granger francois.granger at free.fr
Wed Feb 19 21:07:48 EST 2003

At 11:23 -0600 19/02/2003, in message Re: [Spambayes] training, Tim 
Stone - Four Stones Expressions wrote:
>2/19/2003 11:12:38 AM, Neale Pickett <neale at woozle.org> wrote:
>>Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions <tim at fourstonesExpressions.com>
>  >And anyway, forwarding a message to a special address is still too
>Argh.  I know you're right, but I don't *want* you to be right...

i'm afraid, you have to ;-)

>(I know, I know,
>Tim Peters uses Outlook, too...)

Nobody's perfect....

>  >We have to make this dead simple or it's not going to get used.
>Absolutely.  As things are right now, it's not useable by anyone but
>people like us, which as dismaying as that may be, is not the norm.

Glad that somebody is lucid on this list, at least ;-)

Anyway, if SpamBayes is supposed to reach the "mass", it have to 
become dead simple. And this is not simple. Why not concentrate, one 
step at a time on simplifying it so that it reach audiences less and 
less literate _progressively_.

Maybe a matrix of mail readers(Operating system)/setup instruction 
will clarify at which step of this progression the product is 
currently and what are the logical next steps. In this case, OE 
integration is to be putted on some next step... to be taken sometime 
in the future. And maybe Eudora Windows get a higher priority because 
somebody willing to choose it is more supposed to be curious about 
new/exotic technology....

Anyway, a unification of databases/storages as suggested in another 
thread would be a good step forward for computer admin/power users so 
that they could safely recommend the product.

Another step would be to get close contacts with 
http://www.osafoundation.org/ throught Kevin Altis eventually because 
they will be happy to have this technology in their first shipping 
release, and integration will be a dream for them.
Hofstadter's Law :
It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into 
account Hofstadter's Law.

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