[Spambayes] Use of email package

Anthony Baxter anthony at interlink.com.au
Thu Feb 20 12:23:04 EST 2003

>>> Barry A. Warsaw wrote
> Thus, it was designed with an eye toward the use of application
> specific parsers, and it may well be that the default parsers (both
> the strict and the lax parsers) may not be appropriate for an
> application that tends to see intentionally ill-formed messages.  My
> suggestion would be to write a parser that can handle the really bad
> messages, then use the default lax parser for most things, and fall
> back to the "adaptive parser" for the really horrendous messages.

Note also, though, that the email package's parser has two modes:
strict adherence to to specs, and a more slack mode (which I'm
largely responsible for). There are very few cases I know of that
break the current non-strict mode -- the only one that comes to
mind is MS Entourage generating nested multiparts with each part
using the same boundary tag. 

Rather than saying "let's write a new parser" I'd say instead try
to figure out why a particular message is failing, and see what
can be done to fix the existing non-strict mode Parser.

Anthony Baxter     <anthony at interlink.com.au>   
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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