[Spambayes] SMTPProxy [Was Training]

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Feb 25 12:06:49 EST 2003

> [asyncore vs threads]
> > I'll have to leave this one to Richie... I wondered the same 
> > thing, but he 
> > assured me that there are valid reasons to use asyncore over 
> > threads...
> smtpproxy is only using threads at the moment because it was 
> a 30 second solution to using the same database without 
> looking at the asyncore stuff, or modifying pop3proxy too 
> much.  I have no particular attachment to the threads :)

I do <wink>.  They are *much* simpler than an asyncore model.  A
"thread-per-connection" model scales incredibly poorly, while an asyncore
approach should be able to handle a huge number of connections.  Thus, in
many situtations, the simplicity of threads is outweighed by the scalability
of an async model.

I guess it gets down to crystal ball gazing.  If we see pop3proxy running
for many users, then threads are a poor choice.  If it will always remain a
"personal" server running on the localhost, you may find threads work just
fine while leaving the code that bit more maintainable in the longer term.

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