[Spambayes] Question regarding use of Outlook

Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions tim at fourstonesExpressions.com
Thu Feb 27 09:17:36 EST 2003

I would refer you to several sites for more information on this.


I'm sure there are many online forums, newsgroups, and mailing lists that 
pertain to this subject.  One of the better known ones is 

Hope this helps, and if we can help you stop spam, please don't hesitate to 
call!  - TimS

2/27/2003 12:57:37 AM, Michael Phillips <Michael.Phillips at ieee.org> wrote:

>Are their relatively safe ways to run Outlook 2000?  I consider OE to be
>somewhat safer since it is not as "capable".
>By this I mean, can I keep it from downloading graphics by default when
>viewing mail, keep it from automagically and insanely
>running/decompressing attached files without asking, when turning off
>these "features" not disabling the accessing of attachments if manually
>desired, etc...?
>I use OE because I am stuck with WinX at work currently although am
>working to resolve the issues.
> http://wecanstopspam.org
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c'est moi - TimS

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