[Spambayes] Promoting Spambayes (was Re: FYI: Java implementation)
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Jan 21 10:11:12 EST 2003
At 10:28 AM 1/21/03 +0000, Michael Hudson wrote:
>Tim Peters <tim.one at comcast.net> writes:
> > Anthony Baxter has some plots of score distributions for Graham-combining,
> > Gary-combining and chi-combining here:
> >
> > http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/background.html
>I meant to say it when I first looked at that page, but seeing those
>plots nearly made my eyeballs fall out. Why does anyone still use
Because nobody's seen the plots, obviously. :)
I think what would be needed to change that would be:
1. A Spambayes release
2. A "spam shootout" wherein half a dozen Bayesian mail filters (e.g.
Popfile, Mozilla, other...?) are tested against the same corpus, using the
cross-validation testing mechanism.
3a. Spambayes comes out on top, with a fraction of the error rate of
others: publish the results, get a Slashdot story, and slashdot the project
site. :)
3b. Spambayes doesn't come out on top: find out why, fix the problem, go to
step 3a. :)
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