[Spambayes] SpamBayes Install problem; WinXP

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sun Oct 12 20:51:05 EDT 2003

> When I tried to execute the SpamBayes binary file,
> WinXP gave me an error, stating that it could not
> create the temp file \Documents and Settings\{username}
> \Local Settings\Temp\is-A898C.  I went to \Documents and
> Settings\{username}\Local Settings\Temp and made sure the
> folder was not read only, but still no success.  I read the
> troubleshooting page, but could not find any helpful advice.
> Before I have to go to the hassle of downloading the source
> code and additional applications to run it, do you have
> any suggestions?

If you try and create the same file (i.e. a blank text file with the same
name), does that work?  Does the user in the filename have permission to
create files in that directory?  (It would be bizarre if they didn't).

If you can't figure out why this is happening, it would be good to open a
bug report on <http://sf.net/projects/spambayes>, so that we (Mark,
probably) can try and figure out what the cause of this might be.

=Tony Meyer

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