[Spambayes] Training via web interface hangs

Alan Campbell alan at mullen.demon.co.uk
Tue Oct 14 16:44:18 EDT 2003

> > I have never been able to train Spambayes using the web interface.
> > 
> > I am using pop3proxy_service on a W2K server.  When I go to
> > the training page, it shows the mails that I have received 
> > that day and their classification.  I make a few adjustments 
> > and click on the train button, but nothing happens.  The 
> > browser (MS IE 6) reports that it it opening page
> > http://server1:8880/review and the progress bar starts go
> > increment, but only ever gets as far as 6 bars.
> Does this happen if you use a different browser?  Does it 
> happen even if you try and train on a single message, and 
> have the rest set to "defer"?

I havent tried a different browser, but I did try 1 message as a time
and this worked.  I then tried 2, 3, 4 and so on.  It failed again when
I got to 7, but I don't think its related to the number that I train on.
It appears to be time related.  If I spend too long looking through the
list, choosing which ones are spam and ham, I get prompted with the
login dialogue box after I press the train button.  When the dialogue
box appears again, training never works.  If I choose quickly the the
dialogue box doesn't appear and training works.  I managed to train on
76, because I knew that only a few were spam and selected them quickly.

Is there a timeout setting somewhere ?

> > Are there any logs I can look at ?
> Yes, the service creates a log in the user's temp directory 
> (where 'user' depends on how the service is setup) called 
> SpamBayesService1.log (through to 5, IIRC).  You could also 
> run "pop3proxy_service.py debug" and try and train, and any 
> error would print out to the console.
> > I think I read somewhere that if pop3proxy_service is 
> compiled into a 
> > exe that it logs to a log file, but if its run from the .py 
> source, it 
> > doesn't log.  Is this correct ?
> Almost.  If running from an .exe the log output is redirected 
> to a file, yes.  If you run from the source, then any errors 
> will be printed to stdout or stderr, both probably the 
> console window you're running the source from.

Couldn't find any log file.  Searched for spam* on the entire C drive,
but still nothing.  I ran the pop3proxy_service in debug while doing the
above training, but it didn't report any errors.


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