[Spambayes] sb_imapfilter.py - error when selecting training folders

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Oct 15 19:03:55 EDT 2003

> In trying to set up spambayes using imap, I encountered the 
> following error when trying to "configure folders to train" 
> on the imap web interface
> NameError: global name 'IMAPSession' is not defined
> Is this a problem with how the spambayes install, the 
> sb_imapfilter.py script, or my python install?

The sb_imapfilter.py script.  This was fixed in cvs on the 29th of
September, so will make it into the next release (probably out soon).  For
the moment, if you just stop imapfilter after entering in your server
details, and then start it up again before selecting folders, that should

=Tony Meyer

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