[Spambayes] a negative review...

Matt Conway matt.conway at slenderthread.com
Fri Oct 24 13:43:42 EDT 2003

Hey Tim, Hey Tommy, Hey everyone,

Tim writes:
>  Oh, Tommy, we wouldn't put out a contract on
Matt just for
>  this even if he weren't your friend. 

I love going into the weekend knowing
that nobody's putting a contract out on me. ;) 

Sorry about the negative review on BigRedBlob.com
- I 
was loving SpamBayes a lot right up until it just
I tried to be gentle in my comments. 

I also know the value of feedback in a beta
I'm not just posting stuff to whine and bitch.
That's not helpful. 
I posted a message to this mailing list and
I will write up a bug report to sourceforge today
or tomorrow. 
(I'm in the middle of a house move. Life is nuts.)
I understand the eye-rolling derision that comes
from trying to develop
Outlook hosted apps. I've developed some myself
and am amazed that *anyone* manages to 
get Outlook applications running outside a tiny
range of example apps. 

That said, stabilizing the Outlook add-in is going
to be pretty
important if you guys want to have maximum impact
(which may or 
may not be a goal of yours, I understand.) It
looks from the traffic here
that there's a fair bit of work to be done here.
It's a shame that the tool
is so popular and so weak at the same time. 

I feel your pain.  Don't worry, I'll be back and
I'll raise the roof
on BigRedBlob once I can get it up and running

Matt Conway
my blog - http://www.bigredblob.com 

>  [Tommy Burnette]
>  > I've been a happy user of spambayes (redhat
7.2 & xemacs/vm) for a
>  > little whle now, but it seems my friend Matt
Conway is 
>  not.  Check out 
>  > the October 23 entry here, titled "Spambayes
for Outlook: 
>  The vote is
>  > NO":
>  >
>  > http://www.bigredblob.com/
>  >
>  > I'm not subscribed to this list, but I
thought I'd pass this on in 
>  > case somebody wanted to find out just what
went wrong (and 
>  possibly 
>  > remove a source of negative publicity)...
>  Oh, Tommy, we wouldn't put out a contract on
Matt just for
>  this even if he weren't your friend.  In
essence, his 
>  complaint is that a massive and massively
>  Microsoft application displays baffling
behavior. If we 
>  killed everyone with the same complaint, we'd
put the 
>  Redmond branch of the American computer
industry out of 
>  business.  Brrrrr.
>  FWIW, I use SpamBayes with 3 copies of Outlook
on 3
>  different boxes, and have since pre-alpha days,
and never 
>  had a lick of trouble with any of them (well,
ignoring the 
>  old mysterious crashes and such, which Mark
>  eventually fixed via the time-honored way of
dealing with MS 
>  APIs:  try 50 semi-documented approaches one at
a time, 
>  until the problem that existed for no apparent
reason goes 
>  away for an equally unknowable reason -- until
someone with 
>  OL2K SR-2 tries it on Algerian Windows XP with
>  refresh 6, and then it starts all over again).
>  Tell Matt to upgrade to a real OS, and his
problems will
>  vanish (I recommend Win98SE, respectfully known
worldwide as 
>  the King of OSes).
>  he-question-ly
>  y'rs
>      - tim
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