[Spambayes] Feedback

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Apr 13 17:07:01 EDT 2004

    Reine> I am not a programmer and was so confused by your instructions
    Reine> regarding if Outlook Express is compatible with SpamBayes or
    Reine> not. In one place you mention that it is not going to work for
    Reine> Outlook Express users, in the download and other places it says
    Reine> 'this program is a plugin for Outlook Express' which leans
    Reine> towards it being useful for an Outlook Express user.  I could not
    Reine> figure out if I am able to use this program or not.  


Thanks for the feedback.  Can you point to places in the documentation or on
the Spambayes website where you found this issue confusing?  I quickly
skimmed the website and didn't see any conflicting or incorrect statements
about Outlook Express.

One thing you need to be aware of is that Outlook and Outlook Express,
despite their similar names, are two completely different pieces of
software.  The Outlook plugin integrates tightly with Outlook.  It does not
work with Outlook Express, as indicated on the Windows page:


There is a POP3 proxy which works well with Outlook Express.

As far as I'm concerned, much of the blame for the confusion rests with
Microsoft, since they gave such similar names to two very different pieces
of software.

    Reine> In Troubleshooting there are no instuctions on what to do if
    Reine> nothing happens after the download installation. In my case, no
    Reine> toolbar shows up in Outlook Express, and nothing to indicate I
    Reine> have even downloaded anything.  I really need something to sort
    Reine> the spam, but this program doesn't seem to work with what I've
    Reine> got.

Did you run the installer or just download it?  Sorry if this seems like a
rude question.  It's not meant to be.  You refer to "download installation"
then later "nothing to indicate I have even downloaded anything".

Spambayes will work quite happily with Outlook Express.  I haven't used the
new dual-mode Windows installer, but it should work for you.  It should
detect the presence of Outlook Express in your environment and install the
POP3 proxy for you.


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