[Spambayes] Pre-SpamBayes error: I need help with Localhost!

Michael Kimball michael at kimballpottery.com
Fri Apr 16 22:45:11 EDT 2004

In Netscape 4.79 type http://localhost:8880 in the location bar.  Do you
eventually get the error message "Netscape is unable to locate the
server localhost:8880.  Please check the server name and try again"? 
This is the message I get if I close SpamBayes down: i.e. there is
nothing running on that server/that server isn't running.  If you start
SpamBayes and configure the POP3 proxy to use your POP3 mail server and
port 110, and in Netscape Edit | Preferences | Mail Server, change the
pop3 mail server to localhost (and possibly shut Netscape down and
restart it?) do you still get nothing?

What operating system?

Actually, you probably don't have to configure anything.  If SpamBayes
is running, before it knows what mailserver to use, it is running on
localhost:8880, so Netscape should be able to find it there.

Hope this helps,


Richard B Barger ABC APR wrote:
> In December, and then again in February, I tried to get SpamBayes to
> work on my system.  I received a couple of very friendly, detailed
> responses from Mark and Tony, but, each time, I finally gave up in
> frustration.
> Here's what I keep running into:  My system doesn't recognize
> "localhost" on any browser (IE 6, Netscape 7.1, Netscape 4.79) on any of
> my four local computers (I only receive email on one of these).
> I've tried all combinations of http://localhost, http://localhost:8880,
> http://localhost:8880/home,, http://[my local router
> address], http://[each computer's name; each computer's address], and
> the same things without "http," all without success.
> I have tried Microsoft's unHelpful site and have Googled "netscape
> localhost" and "localhost:8880" and other similar combinations, and have
> diligently followed this delightfully helpfully discussion group, but
> with no success.
> I use a simple Linksys router and both ZoneAlarm and Norton AntiVirus.
> I've disabled ZoneAlarm, figuring it is the least standard of the three;
> no joy.  I assume that many users have NAV and a router, and I haven't
> seen any newsgroup comments about problems with them, so I actually
> haven't tried removing them from the system.
> At this point, my frustration level is rising again, and I need help; I
> assume I need to solve the "localhost" issue before trying the newest
> version of SpamBayes.  I'm confident there is some extremely
> simpleminded solution to my "no localhost" problem, but, if you have it,
> please explain it in very, very simple baby steps.
> Thanks all.
> Rich Barger
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