[Spambayes] Refresh Issue on Exchange 2003, SB1.0.1

Robert Neuschul robert at imagine.co.uk
Fri Dec 10 19:18:48 CET 2004


In article <D8039DD8C3BD2C4FB20D55E7A98589B80AFC3F at mhk-ex1.ad.dpra.com>, 
Harold Vandeventer wrote:
> The "refreshing on Exchange folders" phrase sounds like the display
> refresh problem that has been posted numerous times.  Upon manually
> marking a message as "Delete as SPAM" or "Recover from SPAM" the folder
> containing the message does not refresh automatically.

Indeed it does sound like that: but the pairing of E2003/O2003 can behave 
somewhat differently compared to earlier versions so I figured it was a 
good idea to make certain - assumption can be the mother of all f*****s 


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