[Spambayes] Spambayes Disabled?

Stracko, Pat PStracko at iwaweb.com
Thu Jan 22 09:26:20 EST 2004

I was having trouble determining why my installation of SpamBayes was not

	1. Uninstalled and reinstalled.
	2. Removed all registry keys
	3. Reinstalled outlook 2002

Nothing worked.

Then I looked at the Help/About for Outlook 2002 and found a button there
that read "Disabled Items" and lo and behold, SpamBayes was Disabled.

How can this become disabled?

This seemed to coincide with a recent Update installation from Microsoft but
I have no idea how that might cause this software to become disabled.

After I re-enabled it, everything was back to normal and Spambayes resumed
its wonderful activity.

Thought you might benefit or be interested in this discovery.

Thanks for developing this product.  I love it!


Patrick Stracko
610 Uhler Road
Easton, PA  18040
610-258-9143 ext 275

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