[Spambayes] Problem

Myatt, Laura Laura.Myatt at dfs.com
Thu Jul 29 23:11:08 CEST 2004

I recently downloaded your software into my boss's computer and all her
emails are automatically going into her junk email file. I have been
using spambayes for months now and love it. I have not had the same
problem as she. My suspects will go into my suspect file.
I have compared our set-up and they are identical so I am unsure how to
resolve. Through the manager, on the general tab, enable spambayes is
checked. The filtering tab, certain spam is to go into the junk file and
possible spam is going to suspects. The training tab in the incremental
training section both boxes are checked. Any other suggestions that
would direct her suspects into the suspect file instead of the junk file
would be appreciated.
Thank you for your assistance,

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